Product 250 LPH

1. Flow Rate : 250 lph
Capacity Utilization: 91-95% INPUTS
Total Dissolved Solids Input: < 3000PPM
OUTPUT (Treated Water Quality) From RO Plant : < 50 PPM
SL.NO. RAW WATER PUMP Purpose Specifications
2. Flow Rate : 250 lph To feed the Dual Media Filter at pressure more than 2.0 bar, which is min. operating pressure for filter. MOC : CRI
Type : Horizontal Centrifugal
Power Required:1 0.5 Hp
Electrical : 230 V, Single phase , 50 hz
SL.NO. HIGH PRESSURE PUMP Purpose Specifications
3. Flow Rate : 250 lph To feed the Reverse Osmosis Membrane at pressure more than the osmotic pressure taking into consideration flux rate,
flow and recovery.
MOC : Stainless Steel
Type : Vertical Multistage
Power Required:1.5 HP
Electrical : 230 V, Single phase,50 hz
4. Flow Rate : 250 lph To remove the total suspended solids, dirt , iron and reduce silt density index which can foul the membranes. Make: Alpha, Pentair
Type : Material of Construction:
FRP Diameter:10
Height : 54 Testing Pressure 15 kg/cm2Opening : TopOpening : TopValve : ¾”Quantity : 1 No.
SL.NO. HIGH PRESSURE PUMP Purpose Specifications
5. Flow Rate : 250 lph To remove the total suspended solids, dirt , iron and reduce silt density index which can foul the membranes. MOC : Stainless Steel:
Type : Vertical Multistage
FRP Power Required: 1.5 HP
Electrical: 230 V , Single phase, 50 hz
SL.NO. RO MEMBRANE Purpose Specifications
6. Flow Rate : 250 lph To remove the major part of TDS up to 98% by Reverse Osmosis Membranes arranged and designed to give adequate flow andrecovery. Type: Spiral Wounded
Diameter of Membrane: 4.0 inch Length of Membranes: 40inch.
No. of Membranes : 1 Make of Membranes: by default hii-flow (other brand we can use on demand by customers. it we be extra chargable. price depend on brand)

Salt Rejection per Membrane: 98-99%
System Recovery: 95%
SL.NO. ELECTRICAL PANAL Purpose Specifications
7. Flow Rate : 250 lph A control panel is provided as a safety measure for the pumps & other electrical items Complete Starters, Overload relays, and single- phase preventer for Pump.
8. Flow Rate : 250 lph Flow Meter : To measure the online flow of water
High Pressure Switch : To protect RO pump from back pressure
Low Pressure Switch : To protect RO pump from dry running
Pressure Gauges : For calculate Pressure for each unit in RO system
SL.NO. PLUMBING & FITTINGS Purpose Specifications
9. Flow Rate : 250 lph Valves, pipelines RO module is in upvc Astral. The System will be on common SS base frame
SL.NO. MICRON FILTER Purpose Specifications Housing Cartridge
10 . Flow Rate : 250 lph To remove the fine particles up to 05 microns and reduce
silt density index levels to acceptable level.
Cartridge Filter & Housing MOC of Housing: PP
Length : 20”
Diameter: 6 Quantity : 1 No.
Cartridge MOC :
Polypropylene Length:20”
Diameter : 4.5”
Quantity : 1 No.
Micron rating: 05 micron